synaptosomes isolation

1. Regent prepares

a) 1 M MgCl2

       10.165g MgCl2·6H2O dissolved in 50 mL H2O.

b) 1 M CaCl2

       7.35g CaCl2·2H2O into 50 mL H2O.

c) 0.1 M NaHCO3

       1.68g NaHCO3 dissolved into 200 mL H2O.

d) Solution A

 In 200 mL H2O
0.23 MSucroseSucrose21.92 g
1 mMMgCl21 M MgCl20.2 mL
0.5 mMCaCl21 M CaCl20.1 mL
1 mMNaHCO30.1 M NaHCO32 mL

e) Solution B

 In 100 mL H2O
0.23 MSucroseSucrose10.96 g
1 mMNaHCO30.1 M NaHCO31 mL

f) 1.0 M sucrose

       1 mL 0.1 M NaHCO3, 34.25g sucrose in H2O make up to 100 mL.

g) 1.4 M sucrose

       1 mL 0.1 M NaHCO3, 47.9g sucrose in H2O make up to 100 mL.

2. step by step

a) Perfusing mouse with cold PBS, decapitation and quick dissection hippocampus on ice. Frozen and keeping samples in -80 until extraction.

b) Chop samples into 8 mm2 small pieces with scissors.

c) Add 4-fold vol (mL/g) solution A. Keep on ice at least 20 min.

d) Homogenize at 1000 rpm with 6 or 7 up-and-down motions.

e) Transfer samples to new tubes and dilute to 10-flod vol (mL/g) with solution A.

f) 1400g * 10 min. Save supernatant.

g) Dilute pellet with solution A to 4-fold vol (mL/g). Do step c) to e). 710g * 10 min. Save supernatant. Pellet is P1.

h) Combine supernatants in step f) and g). 710g * 10 min.

i) Collect supernatant (S1), 13800g * 10 min. Supernatant and pellet obtained in this step are S2 and P2, respectively.

j) Resuspend the P2 with solution B gently (~2.5-fold vol). Layer the suspension on gradients composed of 1.0 and 1.4 M sucrose, and centrifuge at 82500g for 70 min.

k) Collect the bands in the interface between 1.0 and 1.4 M sucrose layer, measure volume and concentration.
